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How to edit Information Analyzer run schedule

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:28 pm
by truenorth
Using IA's facility - Run, Schedule, set options, Submit - I have scheduled 45 rules and rule sets to run daily. They have been running, but I need to 'unplug' a couple of rules so they do not run anymore.

For the life of me, I cannot see anywhere the set schedule so I could edit it.

I would appreciate any help.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:19 am
by rjdickson
Hi Todd,

Go into the 'Web Console for Information Server' ([url]https://server:port/ibm/iis/console[/url]) and create a scheduling view (Schedule Monitoring > Views of Schedules > New Scheduling View) and select at least an 'Origin' of Information Analyzer. You should be able to work with the schedules after that.

I know there have been a few patches related to that (depending on version), so if that does not work, please open a PMR.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:47 pm
by truenorth
Thank you for this, Robert!

I just created a view. Meanwhile, if I had a schedule to run rules already going BEFORE I created this view, would I be able to edit that schedule? Or will this new view only see new schedules henceforth? So far I have not found the schedule I have already going.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:22 am
by rjdickson

You should see any schedule, regardless of when it was created. I just tested (created a schedule, then created a view) and it worked for me.

Did you select all the Information Analyzer Events.

Did you select all status and all task run options?

If so, I'm afraid a PMR is in order :(

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:58 am
by truenorth
Yes, I turned on all events, status and task runs. What's weird is that I turn on the box for "Common Elements" and "Information Analyzer" - basically turning on ALL boxes, I save, get the message that the View was saved successfully, but both Common Elements and Information Analyzer still show as off (no tick box). No matter how many times I tick them and save, they still show unchecked.

I also tried logging out and logging back on, still no schedule appears.

It does seem that I need to open a PMR.

Your help did provide the solution, except that our installation seems to need a patch.

Many thanks, Robert.