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Column analysis fails

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:09 pm
by manuel.gomez
Hello there,

I am currently having problems that I just can label as very strange. Let me go into details.

Run column analysis is failing. Error message returned is as it follows:
Message: pxbridge(0): ODBC function "SQLConnect" reported: SQLSTATE = IM002: Native Error Code = 0: Msg = [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (CC_OdbcConnection::connect, file CC_OdbcConnection.cpp, line 478)
ODBC function "SQLEndTran(SQL_ROLLBACK)" reported: SQLSTATE = 08003: Native Error Code = 0: Msg = [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Connection not open (CC_OdbcConnection::rollback, file CC_OdbcConnection.cpp, line 1,040)
Let me give you now some facts up to here:

1-In 'Analysis Database' tab, for combo Analysis Connector Settings (Analysis ODBC DSN) no values are shown. You cant pick any
2- .odbc.ini file and uvodbc.config file seems to be correct:

Code: Select all

[ODBC Data Sources]
IADB=DataDirect DB2 IADB

Description=DataDirect DB2 IADB

Code: Select all

What's more, if I go to Designer and try to import ODBC table defintion, IADB is shown to be picked

3-Everytest we do, we create all data stores and rest of stuff (even new project). Well, after we do all these, first Column Analysis we execute WORKS
After that, even doing no modifications to criteria or whatever else, rest of analysis (on same column or different one) fails with message shown
Table analyzed correctly can be either high volume or very small

4-And here comes the best part: this used to work. We installed 8.5 and then fix pack1. We did a training session with customer, and everyting worked fine.
After that, customer had problem due to regional configurations, but all they changed was some client side dll's. No changes made on the server

Can you find any explanation for this?

Any idea on how I can push this? I really need this column analysis to start working

Thanks a lot

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:34 am
by Madhumitha_Raghunathan
Hi Manuel,

Did you get a resolution for this?

I am currently facing the same issue on IIS 8.7 while doing the column analysis.


Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:56 am
by rjdickson
1-In 'Analysis Database' tab, for combo Analysis Connector Settings (Analysis ODBC DSN) no values are shown. You cant pick any
this typically means the ASBAgent has to be restarted. Then stop/restart the GUI and the entries should be there.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:19 pm
by Madhumitha_Raghunathan

My problem just resolved. I was only checking the IA level configuration for Analysis Database assuming the same will be defaulted at a project level.

But actually the Project level "Analysis ODBC DSN" was not set. Once I set it then the column analysis ran successfully.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:23 pm
by Madhumitha_Raghunathan

My problem just resolved. I was only checking the IA level configuration for Analysis Database assuming the same will be defaulted at a project level.

But actually the Project level "Analysis ODBC DSN" was not set. Once I set it then the column analysis ran successfully.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:30 pm
by rjdickson
Great catch!