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How to get the Analytic Information in to DS after IA Profil

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:12 pm
by muralisankarr
Hi All,

I need some clarification on Shared Tables. I have imported the table definition into Datastage using Oracle Connector import wizard. Then in IA, I completed the Column Analysis of all the tables that I have imported in datastage. (I haven't re-imported the metadata. I used the same metadata imported via datastage). After column Analysis, the datastage should get the analytic information into the metadata definitions. This should be automatic. Is my understanding correct? Is there anything we have to do explicitly to get the analytic information in to datastage? If not is there any service/agent process that I have to start, to get the information. Please help

Many Thanks

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:30 pm
by vmcburney
I think the step you have missed is to publish the Information Analyzer results. This should ensure it shows up on the Analytics tab in DataStage.