8.1.2 IFT BasePack instalation completd wid partial success

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8.1.2 IFT BasePack instalation completd wid partial success

Post by adi_2_chaos »

Environment: Linux 64-bit RHEL 5.3
Database: Oracle 11g
Current IS Version:


When I'm installing IIS 8.1.2 IFT BasePack, it completes the installation but the Version.xml file shows "partial success". I see the following warnings in the installation log:

java.lang.Exception: Error executing command: failed to deploy the model being upgraded.
Stack Trace:
com.ascential.xmeta.exception.ServiceException: failed to deploy the model being upgraded.
at com.ascential.xmeta.client.repository.command.DeployUpgradeModelCommand.executeCommand(DeployUpgradeModelCommand.java:289)
at com.ascential.xmeta.client.repository.command.DeployUpgradeModelCommand.main(DeployUpgradeModelCommand.java:152)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:85)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:58)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:60)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:391)
at org.apache.commons.launcher.ChildMain.run(ChildMain.java:228)
Caused by: com.ibm.xmeta.exception.ModelDeploymentIsLockedException: Model deployment is already locked by another process
com.ascential.acs.reporting.server.impl.ReportingDAOException: com.ascential.xmeta.exception.ServiceException: Error when executing query:
* SQLException during execution of sql-statement:
* sql statement was 'SELECT DISTINCT A6.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta FROM reporting_Reporteaf0c62e A0 INNER JOIN rrtTmpltrfFrmrprtTmplteaf0c62e A1 ON A0.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta = A1.reportTemplate_xmeta INNER JOIN rprmtrnfsrfFrmprmtrnfseaf0c62e A3 ON A1.refFrom_reportTemplate_xmeta = A3.parameterInfos_xmeta INNER JOIN reportingParameterInfoeaf0c62e A4 ON A3.refFrom_parameterInfos_xmeta = A4.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta INNER JOIN rbjctprmtrsrfFrmprmtrseaf0c62e A5 ON A0.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta = A5.parameters_xmeta INNER JOIN vwreportngPrmtrf0c62 A6 ON A5.refFrom_parameters_xmeta = A6.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta INNER JOIN rgPrmtrnffrmtrfFrmfrmteaf0c62e A7 ON A4.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta = A7.format_xmeta WHERE A1.refFrom_reportTemplate_xmeta = ? AND A6.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta LIKE '%.ebf0d389.%.%.%.%' ESCAPE '\' AND A4.name_xmeta = A6.name_xmeta AND A7.refFrom_format_xmeta LIKE '%.604bc5.%.%.%.%' ESCAPE '\' AND A7.refFrom_format_xmeta IS NOT NULL AND A1.refFrom_reportTemplate_xmeta IS NOT NULL'
* Exception message is [[IBM][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
* Vendor error code [942]
* SQL state code [42S02]
* Target class is 'reporting.xmetagen.Report'
* PK of the target object is [_xmeta_repos_object_id]

We tried the installation after stopping and restarting the database , WAS and IS, but still get the same issues.

Can anyone please help?

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Post by ray.wurlod »

Really, this process is too complex to spend time on here. Involve your official support provider. We don't have the necessary diagnostic tools. You may, for example, have missed a vital patch after FP1.
IBM Software Services Group
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