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Sequencer -- start Loop issue

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:30 am
by dspradeep
Hi ,

Actually i have more than 100 files in one folder so i need to preocess one by one then how to do it in sequencer.

I tried like in

exec comm -- ls -m and i given my folder path

start loop -- i given count and comma option as well exec comm.output also.

condition --> stratloopcount.output <> '' then proceed else send mail

if not null then it will go to

user variable --> field(output,',',1)

but it is not going to uservariable stage pls help me.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:05 am
by ArndW
Add a stage to call DSLogInfo() or DSLogWarn() and output your variable to see which value you are getting, there is probably a small logical error somewhere, the overall approach is correct.

p.s. You posted in "ProfileStage", not quite the appropriate forum.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:13 am
by chulett
:!: Could you please do a better job of posting in the correct forum? This is getting old.

Moderator, please move to the General forum.