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Info Analyzer logs

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:20 pm
by BradMiller
I have ran the column analysis for few of the tables and they where analyzed & reviewed correctly.But for one of the table when I ran the column analysis it aborts and shows the error on the Info Analyzer column anlysis screen.When I went to the DataStage Director to view the log it was showing couple of jobs but with two days older dates.When I tried to view the log from Info Analyzer tool it is not showing anything though it is in shared.Could you please let me know where can I look for the log files and the path of the log files so that I can actually find the cause of the problem.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:52 pm
by tcj

You can rerun the job with the Retain Scripts option selected under the Engine tab. This will retain the datastage job in the ANALYZERPROJECT project.


Open the web console and browse to the screen Administration->Log Management->Log Views. You will need to set up a custom log view to only show the IA logs.

You can do this by clicking on the New Log View and selecting the categories of IBM-IA, IBM-IA-HANDLER, IBM-IA-SERVER. Also need to select all the levels of severity. Just need to fill in the other mandatory fields.


Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:19 am
by BradMiller
Thank you Tim it worked.