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Information Analyser on windows 2003 Insatallation issue

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 6:40 am
by kimbal
Hi All

I am installing IBM Information server on Windows 2003.I can install IBM information server upto 35 %.after that installation is not processing , it gets Hang on

saying that

[size=18][b]Configuring the websphere Application Server Profile
Starting Websphere Application server [/b][/size]

[i][size=18][b]Enviroment Detail:[/b][/size][/i]

Internet Explorer 6
Service Pack 2
Windows 2003
.Net visual studio 2003

could anybody help me in this issue ..

Thanks in Advance


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:48 am
by hlarroca
Still you have the problem or already you solved it?

Can you find the error in the install log file?
