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info server :deleting a datasource

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:27 am
by vairus
Hi guys,

i done column analysis for table location.

if i delete a datasource contain table location from my project.

will info analyzer clear all analysis information for that particular table in IADB database?

Is there any other way to clear the analysis information.


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:13 pm
by Aruna Gutti
When I have to clear the analysis information I actually recreate a datasource and project too. I couldn't figure how else to clear the analysis information.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:11 pm
by lstsaur
I hope IBM is going to work on it. So far, all junks keep in there.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:45 am
by vairus
i hope from "Table management" tab we can delete the reference table which stores frequency information in DB2.

I deleted the reference tables belong to larger table but there is no change in database because db2 clear the table physically and reserve the tablespace .

When i done column analysis on other tables. the size of db2 remain the same . i hope it uses the reserved tablespace.

When you delete it wont shrink the tablespace which is just reserved and use it for future analysis...

Do you have any other view on this ..please post it here

thanks aruna and istsaur for you replies..