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ProfileStage connection problem

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:14 pm
I couldnot find the Analysis Server hostname in the Connection manager so that i could assign dsn to the repository under it and work on analysis.The ProfileStage was installed properly.These are the things i have done.
1)Installed Analysis Server,Message Switch,DataDirect drivers on same sun-os box.
2)Installed PSDB on different sun-os box.
3)Established the connection between PSDB and Analysis Server through odbc.ini
4)Started the services(Analysis Server,Message Switch)
5)Tested the connection between PSDB and Analysis Server using example.
6)Created dsn on windows client to PSDB and logged on to ProfileStage.

Now I could not see the Analysis Server icon in connection manager.Am i missing anything,does anything needs to be done to establish connection.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:28 pm
by ray.wurlod
Yes, you need to define within ProfileStage where the Analysis Server is (or even multiple Analysis Servers).
When you open ProfileStage's Connection Manager you identify not only the PSDB but also the Analysis Server(s) as well as any associated data sources and details.
The first time you access a new database in the PSDB, you will be prompted to initialize the database.
The initialization process establishes various configuration settings that govern the behavior of data analysis and prepares internal tables to receive the results of data analysis.
1 Select your database name from the Select a database drop-down box.
2 Select the analysis server from the Select a server drop-down list.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:12 am
I know what you are saying you meant how to establish connection from repository but my problem is not that,i am unable to view the Analysis Server icon & icon for the Repository in the connection manager window tree.I am unable to trace out the problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:43 am
by lstsaur
You can check the MGXPgmInit.log file for evidence of handshake between your Mesaage Switch and Analysis Server. You will see "Sent PISERVER message to Message Switch" if the Analysis server is up and working correctly. However, after you saw that message, you still couldn't see the Anaysis Server's icon in the Connection Manager, contact IBM support.