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Can profileStage help for this

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:04 am
by MukundShastri
Can profilestage do following activities:
Extract Metadata from database
Create DDLs for the metadata sothat it can be created on other database
Profile source tables
Develop Extraction Queries
Anonimize data
Sramble data
Unscramble Data
Extract data from database
Load data into database


how to handle mainframe data landing in to unix

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:37 am
by khaja.arshad

Any one can please tell me that how to handle mainframe data which is going to be landed on the unix

Any best practices ?

Thanks in Advance


Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:37 am
by ArndW
Mukund - How about doing a first stab at this yourself through looking at the IBM WebSpere ProfileStage pages and then post any remaining questions here? Most people will hesitate to answer such an encompassing list of questions at one go.

Arshad - Welcome to DSXchange. If you were to post your question in the correct forum and specify exactly what sort of mainframe data you wish to handle in DataStage you will certainly get some quick and informative responses; at least more than by posting the question to an unrelated thread in a forum which has a very different purpose.

Re: Can profileStage help for this

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:55 am
by roy
ProfileStage (PS) can:
Profile your source tables.
Provide a normalized scheme for a target DB based on the table/column analisys you run.
Prepare DS export files you can load to DS (DataStage) that will transfer your data from the old sources to the new ones (even with some transformation in it).

MukundShastri wrote:Can profilestage do following activities:
Extract Metadata from database
Create DDLs for the metadata sothat it can be created on other database
Profile source tables
Develop Extraction Queries
Anonimize data
Sramble data
Unscramble Data
Extract data from database
Load data into database


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:58 am
by MukundShastri
Can profileStage take out some sample of data and load it in the target.
It creates the ETL jobs to load the data in the new target. While creating the ETL jobs, does it give any option to load only certain sample of data into the target.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:06 am
by MukundShastri
Profilestage generates the ETL jobs to load data into the target. Does it automatically provide a sequencer also to run the jobs in an order to fullfill primary key/foreign key constraints?



Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:07 am
by roy
PS is not an ETL tool.
It simply does what I mentioned.

The whole point of the jobs is loading the entire data.

Bare in mind that PS will only generate a dsx file which you need to import into a DS project and run it on a DS (DataStage) server if you have one.
So any runs that uses the limit option of n rows would load partial data.


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:38 am
by MukundShastri
As I understand from one of the tutorials on profileStage - "it analyzes the source data and provides recommendations for the target database such as primary keys , foreign keys "
When it can understand which are primary key and forein key tables , why can't it provide a layout of order in which the ETL jobs are to be run by providing the sequencer.

Pl keep in mind I am referring to .dsx file only produced by profilestage. I understand that the .dsx produced by profileStage will be run by DataStage and not by ProfileStage.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:45 am
by roy
I don't recall if it supports sequence jobs at this time, if not you can always log an enhancement request.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:40 am
by ray.wurlod
ProfileStage is about telling you what's there (profiling), not what to do with it.
You go through a systematic series of analyses:
  • column analysis to determine the type and nature of data in each individual column (for example domain of values, proportion of nulls, etc) using the entire table (a sample can be extracted for later analyses)

    table analysis to determine whether there are any relationships between columns within the same table (that is has 2NF or 3NF been achieved?)

    cross table analysis to look for FK relationships whether defined or not
The analyses can relate results to imported metadata or not, it's your choice.

Based on the results of these analyses a more efficient layout for the original data may be possible. ProfileStage can generate a migration specification (source-to-target mapping). Based on that it can generate DDL for creating the objects in that new database design and ETL jobs (in DSX format) for moving from the old layout to the new. There are no constraints in the ETL jobs, but you could add them in after importing them into DataStage.

It also produces reports of its analyses and specifications, using Crystal Reports.

But that's all that ProfileStage does.