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kill process

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:29 am
by santosh.sewlal

I've been trying to work along with the user guide provided on installation, and ran into difficulties when trying to kill processes.
The Analysis Process Viewer does not behave as described on the manual, we've been able to terminate ProfileStage jobs by killing them at the application level.
Is there any way to do this on ProfileStage other than using the Analysis Process Viewer?
Also, how do we remove old jobs from the Analysis Process Viewer, we have a job marked as 'executing', it hasn't changed for days - even after rebooting our server.

santosh sewlal

Kill Process in ProfileStage

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:56 pm
by Daddy Doma
I am also having problems with this. I can open the Analysis Process Viewer in ProfileStage but cannot find the Kill Process button that is mentioned in the help screens. I can hide the selected jobs but not terminate them

I cannot find any reference in the accompanying PDF documentation about this window either.

Does anyone have any feedback or updates on this issue?