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Referencing map feature

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:38 am
by meena.shekar

I tried the Referencing map feature present in DataStage TX 8.0 for a map that i developed. It worked fine for a map with one functional map. But when I tried using the same feature for a map which has a hierarchy of functional maps, it did not return anything. I received a blank file as output.

The hierarchy of functional maps are as follows


Here I tried referencing in the new map from the functional map 'f_Interchange', which contains' f_group'; which in turn contains 'f_message_codeco'.

Does DataStage 8.0 not allow heirrachial referencing in the map? Does it only allow for only one level of functional map??

Kindly reply...asap...

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:19 am
by jgibby
I had a similar problem in DSTX 7.51. I submitted a request for assistance and was told there was a bug. They created a patch for us that does work. However, it didn't solve the problem I wanted it to. Not because the patch didn't work, but because I was trying to do something that was abnormal and it was my fault.

Ping support and reference ECase 85569.