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Send map parameters using Echo or other + Call external map

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:15 am
by Zeek
Hi All,

Do you have any exemple using echo variable to be passed through maps ?
I creat a generic map that will be called by other map to insert log information into a hashed file. The map_start_log use an echo variable I want to change when I call the map using the run function.

Could you help me ?

Now, this generic map has been buid, may I able to call this map from an external map ? I saw that you may use the run function with the map.mmc definition, but it's not working. Any info or exemple ?


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:07 am
by janhess
RUN("MERC_CL_04.mmc", ECHOIN(1,package(In1) ) + " " + ECHOIN(2,TABLE Fields:In2) +
" -OD1 '-MDQ " + MDQ Fields:In2 + " -DBNAME " + DBNAME Fields:In2 + " -TABLE" + "<SP>" + TABLE Fields:In2 + " -T+'"))

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:10 am
by Zeek
Hi Janhess,

Thank you for your reply. You reply is more sofisticated than excpected.
I found how to use externam mmc map using the RUN finction
=Run("Map_Start_Log.mmc"," -IE1 1")

But with your reply, I may imagine what I will be able to do in the futur.
Thank you very much.
