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Large but Simple change to lots of Trees

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:18 am
by GoofyMark
Version 6.5.

I have several large Trees (30 approx) that have a Release characters defines. I need to be able to remove all the release characters form ALL the Trees.

My solution was to Export the Tree to an MTS, edit the MTS to remove the release characters and then import it.

When I import I get
Warning 43
I cant seen to find what this means. Even if I do not touch the MTS file I still get then samw warning.

Does anyone know what this warning is or does anyone have any other ideas of a efficient way to edit ALL those trees.


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:39 am
by jgibby
I would suggest removing the Release character for one element and then export the Type Tree. Take a look at how the mts file is formed for that element with the undefined Release character. Then fix the other elements in the same manner.

my $0.02.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:14 am
by janhess
From what i remember there were a number of bugs with Export in 6.5.
At the least you should be on 6.5.2 bur preferably 6.7.1 or 8.0.1

Re: Large but Simple change to lots of Trees

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:16 pm
by boblopez1
GoofyMark wrote:Version 6.5.

I have several large Trees (30 approx) that have a Release characters defines. I need to be able to remove all the release characters form ALL the Trees.

My solution was to Export the Tree to an MTS, edit the MTS to remove the release characters and then import it.

When I import I get
Warning 43
I cant seen to find what this means. Even if I do not touch the MTS file I still get then samw warning.

Does anyone know what this warning is or does anyone have any other ideas of a efficient way to edit ALL those trees.

Another perhaps simpler option would be to select your Root Super Type Object and select the properties for the object making sure the Release Character is set to NONE and right click on the Release Character and select "Propagate" this will propagate the Release Character value to all subtypes, I just tried it and it seems to work, it took me 30 seconds per tree.