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Partner Manager Update Map?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 8:30 am
by Jim Divoky
Are there any DataStage TX(6.0) users with Commerce Manager(6.0) here? If so, has anyone written a map to update the Partner Manager database? I suspect my current stumbling block is related to the Database Interface Designer in that I'm getting the error "Update mode was set but no update keys were defined; update flag is being ignored." Using Update.mdq and Oracle 8, I added a Table for X12APPPARTNERS and "Set Update Keys" as follows: Key Columns = ALIASNAME & Columns to Update = USERDEFINED2. All I want to do at the moment is insert a value into the UserDefined2 field. Any ideas? Thanks.

Jim Divoky

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:29 am
by Editor

First of all, welcome to the site. We appreciate your membership and your willingness to post 'real' questions at the TX forum. At the moment, we don't have a moderator to help get quick answers back when the community doesn't respond. (being an early adopter can be so lonely) But I promise to monitor this and try to get some answers.

As the editor of the site, we have enjoyed great success and a wealth of expertise in our DS,PX and some of the other forums. TX is just starting and we ask you to be patient for the answers to come.

Happy posting

Dennis James

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:51 am
by Jim Divoky
Hi, Dennis
Rose at Ascential Support just duplicated the map under 6.7 and it worked fine. At this point we're assuming some 6.0 limitation with the Database Adapter.

Jim Divoky

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:22 am
by janhess
Hi Jim,
Not seen you around for a while.
I think your problem is in 6.0. I remember scrapping this version as there were numerous database adapter problems. I would recommend upgrading to 6.5.2 or 6.7.1.
Your .mdq settings look right. Are you using the -Update command for your PUT/DBLOOKUP/Adapter Command settings. If using the adapter on an output card have you specified all the output settings for the commands .mdq, table name, database name etc otherwise it picks up the compile time settings?
I have been using this facility with other Oracle 8 databases since vn5.0 without problems (except 6.0).

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:50 am
by Jim Divoky
Hi, Jan. Been busy. Not a lot of time for chit chat. I'm coming off contract in five weeks so I should have a lot of time.

My client is planning to upgrade to 6.7.1 Jan, 2004. They have a major SAP upgrade scheduled for the end of December as well as an on-going network and desktop upgrade so the DataStage TX upgrade is a lower priority.

The error I'm receiving in the .dbl log is ""Update mode was set but no update keys were defined; update flag is being ignored." It occurs on both the desktop and in an AIX system where significant DB & adapter patches were applied. I initially advised the client against 6.0 but when I returned after a year's absence there was 6.0.

Jim Divoky