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Using stored Procedure as Input

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:35 pm
by Vishal1982
I want to use a stored procedure,and the output of this procedure
should be used as a input to the another table and my database is
in Oracle.So please help me how i can use the stored procedure
in Map designer and map the output of this stored procedure with
columns of the other table.
Please let me know how to call stored procedure and if any
setting we need to make in input or output cards

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:56 am
by jvmerc
From my experience 6.7 - 8.0 we use a cntl map pass variables into a runmap.

If the procedure results are returned being read into input_card_1 you'd do something like

run(map, "' -ID1 '-VAR variable_name_defined_in_DBID =''" + P_VAR_VALUE Argument:xVariables + what ever else you need as input...)

As far as the runmap you'll point input_card_1 at the DBID file etc...

Using the using the DBID you'll 1st point to the procedure, then write a query statment like

call POR_GET_CLAIMS_PROC (#P_VAR_VALUE#, any other variable,?,?,?,....)

the '?' = output that ties to the procedure type tree.

don't forget to define your variable in the DBID