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Problems with importing from XML Schema(xsd)

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:46 am
by himerius
Hi. I have the Ascential Datastage TX 8.0 (105)
I've imported a tree from xsd schema into type designer. I've imported it with Validation xerces; XSDL Hints Location: All Elements.

When I try using this tree in Map Designer, the results is that it skips every second record in the loop.

<TimeInterval v="2007-02-24T23:00Z/2007-02-25T23:00Z"/>
<Resolution v="PT01H"/>
<Interval><Position v="1"/><Quantity v="51.0"/></Interval>
<Interval><Position v="2"/><Quantity v="52.0"/></Interval>
<Interval><Position v="3"/><Quantity v="53.0"/></Interval>
<Interval><Position v="4"/><Quantity v="54.0"/></Interval>
<Interval><Position v="5"/><Quantity v="55.0"/></Interval>
<Interval><Position v="6"/><Quantity v="56.0"/></Interval>
<Interval><Position v="7"/><Quantity v="57.0"/></Interval>
<Interval><Position v="8"/><Quantity v="58.0"/></Interval>


1 51
3 53
5 55
7 57
9 59
11 57
13 55
15 53
17 52
19 54
21 56
23 58

If I import the xml schema with classic mode validation, the data returns correctly, but then if i import it back again from the flat file til xml with classic validation it is not possible to referense the namespace in any way.

Do anyone know about this "bug"?
Oh, and I have tried it on vista and xp pc.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:51 am
by himerius
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
Earlier we have just mapped flatfiles, but as it seems, there will be more and more mapping with xml to flatfile.
How do you guys import xml schemas when you map to flatfiles?


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:08 am
by rep
So you're sure the problem is in the type tree, and not in the map?

I've only briefly worked with XML importing and type trees, so there's very little I can offer. I would say build a test map and mess with it. Have the input the xml and just a simple one record, one blob field, with the rec (S) and make sure that the map is counting every record. Have you viewed the trace file and check if it's seeing every record as a record? Checking the index/postition? Stuff like that?

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:28 am
by himerius
Thank you for answering.

Well, I would assume the problem is the type tree. Since its working with the Classic validation, but as soon as I try to import it with Xerces validation, the error with ignoring every second record occurs. I'we tried it with only one looping record as well.
When I import it with xerces, i get the following warning messages.

Warning 50 reference 1340: Type exists and is not over written.
Warning 50 reference 1365: Type exists and is not over written.
Warning 50 reference 1371: Type exists and is not over written.
Warning 50 reference 1536: Type exists and is not over written.
Warning 50 reference 1539: Type exists and is not over written.
Warning 50 reference 1542: Type exists and is not over written.

Dont know if this of any significanse?
Other people on my work has tested it too, but cant get it to work.

I do not get this error if i use classic validation.

I map these 2 trees exactely the same, but with different validation only. And as I said, it works fine with the "classic" tree.
So mapping from XML->flatfile is really not a problem, cause I can use the Classic validation, but if I use the classic validation for flatfile->XML, I wont get the namespace referance back into the XML file, cause you dont have that option on the card.

I will look into tracefile next time I compile, and update this post.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:48 am
by janhess
I have had numerous errors using the Xerces importer since release 8. I have had them resolved with patches so I would advise contacting support.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:23 am
by himerius
Ah, ok. Do you have link to the newest patchfiles? Or the patches you used? Haveing problems finding them, my version is 8.0(105), dunno if that is the newest.

*I am also in contact with support, but they take a lot of time, and have redirected me once allready. Not answered my last mail yet either..

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:33 am
by janhess
You have to get patches from support as they may be specific to your site.
Latest version of WTX available is build 38. This may solcve many of your problems.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:16 am
by himerius
The upgrade solved the problem!
Was pain in hell finding and successfully downloading the patch though.
I now have version 8.0(124).

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:59 am
by himerius
janhess wrote:You have to get patches from support as they may be specific to your site.
Latest version of WTX available is build 38. This may solcve many of your problems.
Just wondering here, the 8.1 youre refering to here is for tranformation extender is it? Or does a 8.1 exsist for the "normal" datastage too?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:22 am
by janhess is just WTX as far as I know and it is pronounced like Xerces.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:27 am
by janhess
8.0 (124) is just an update to release 8. is the second service pack for release 8.1 so you will need to request the release upgrade. If you have a service contract you should get it automatically.


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:43 am
by rep
Awesome! So when I call support at the end of our contract, it'll be like,

"50,000 and a one year commitment is all the God Code "Xerces" requires."

"You bring the heads of conquers integration software to my city steps, you threaten my staff with master/slavery environments and the blue screens of death. Oh I've chosen my words carefully support person, you should have done the same."
"This is blasphemy, This is mapping!"
"Mapping?...THIS IS SPARTA!"

I tried.....

I failed, but I tried. I think it just said I lost 50 points for this post.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:22 pm
by ray.wurlod

Remember Thermopylae!

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:32 am
by himerius
Hey, got another potential problem here.
I've mapped xml->flatfile->xml, but take a look at the end result:

Base xml:

Code: Select all

<Resolution v="PT01H"/>

Code: Select all

<xs:element name="Resolution" type="ecc:ResolutionType"/>
Output xml:

Code: Select all

<Resolution v="PT01H"></Resolution>
Shouldnt it in the output according to the xsd have a closed tag?

I have the same patch as you guys have now, but when i try to export the map to xml i crashes immediately

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:17 am
by janhess
It's got one - </Resolution> is the closing tag.

If your export is still crashing then it's obviously a new bug and needs reporting to Support. I'm always finding bugs with Xerces.

You could try posting to a forum that allows you attachments such as ... =829&cat=9 so I can try it.