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6.7.1 new install = maps not triggering

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:13 pm
by boblopez1
Hi Gang,

Hoping one of you smart folks will be hoping to help me out. I've installed 6.7.1 (306). I have 9 *.msl system of which is Message Manager. We process both inbound and outbound EDI data. 6.7.1 is installed on D: and my run time is H: a local drive not mapped.

I was able to process outbound data on Friday. Yesterday I was able to process inbound data and generate the necessary emails which I was not able to do on Friday. Once succesful I drop outbound data but this time my driver maps did not kick off. Outbound maps to trigger something like this H:\Data\Company\Out_App\invoice\*.inv.

One thing that's happening is that I'm getting an error in the Event Server Log stating that it cannot get the status of the Event Server on port 7002. But still the systems start and my launcher.txt is succesful. I started moving systems in and out one at a time and even change the trigger directories but to no avail, now the Event Server starts up clean or so it states but still my outbound maps won't trigger and I've quadrupled check teh sources and targets. Any Ideas? Anyone encounter this before?


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:19 am
by janhess
Have you checked the contents of the launcher log file?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:04 am
by janhess
Are you using Windows? If so dont forget to restart the event server at the Windows service level and not management console when adding or removing the system files you are going to run.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:43 am
by boblopez1
Thanks guys, the launcher was clean but when running she was slow as molases I ended up uninstalling all components and also recreating my directory structure, re-installed and we are up and running. Thanks Janhess.
