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Where can I find description of Launcher Error Codes for 8.1

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:02 am
by torzell
I'm a newbie to Websphere TX. I've taken over running our Real Time EDI Maps on 2 Windows 2003 servers. The CompoundSystem Log is catching some errors. I hae a handle on some of them, and not others.
But, I can't find the messages listed anywhere in neither the 8.1 nor 8.0 documentasion. I even did a Google search on Mercator error messages, and just got one hit, for a specific error in some package.

Here are the ones: I'm seeing: (dates, threads not shown):

DTXLN4131E....inst: 3646 - RunMap - error: 8 (mercator.c:3827)
Ok, this one's a pain, but known. This happens when an error comes back from our B2B partner. The input tree isn't mapped properly for this massage, but the transactions makes it back to the requestor ok.

DTXLN4103E....inst: 9006 - Map error: causing error... return code 9 (mercntsv.c:4007)
First time I saw this one, Sql DB was unaccessable momentarily

DTXLN4115E....inst: -1 -Socket recv failure! error: 10054 (mstatoc.c.c:5214)
Ok, don't know what happens to this one. Don't know if it makes it back, retries successfully, or what?

and finally the worst one:
DTXLN4105E ....inst: -1 Socket Error: 10054 (mstatsoc.c:3778)
Each time I've seen this one, it was the last message in the log before a Launcher hang occured. When it occurs, you can't pause or stop the Launcher (complains about timing out before it could complete the task). I can kill it via task manager, although I usually reboot the server to make sure everything is cleaned up. Incidentally, there is IIS running on this server, and this only happens on Thurs mornings. I go through 2 or 3 reboots for 1 1/2 hr period, and then everything is fine for a week. It's happened the last 3 consecutive Thursdays. I'm wondering if there's something coming over IIS using the same ports that the Launcher is using. I've change the Launcher prots , and I'm thinking of shutting down IIS on the server.

My second, and newer sever, has the exact copy of 8.1, maps, type trees etc., no IIS, and this doesn't happen on that server.

I would like access to the complete set of error message/codes for the product. Can anyone point the way?

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:28 am
by jvmerc
Well, There used to be a handy pdf with a list of all return codes for all adapters. I believe in the new world you'll need to look at the help menu or the pdf doc related to the adapter.

I've kept the original pdf around because it covers most codes and its a one-stop-shop for those oncall people that aren't Mercator/DSTX/WDSTX/WTX savy.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:31 am
by janhess
We had a problem with the IIS service crashing and restarting when requests were sent to it from 6.7.1 via Weblogic under windows 2000. This only occurred after our LDAP server crashed one night. We never found the problem and moving te system to another server resolved it.