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Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:00 am
by janhess
Do you want to access https? if it's just http then do nothing otherwise buy the security option for DSTX

Webservices calling methods

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:20 am
by kbalaji123
janhess wrote:Do you want to access https? if it's just http then do nothing otherwise buy the security option for DSTX

I installed security collection software. is it enough?? if it is enough where i have to give this security options ...

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:25 am
by janhess
I think you need to read the http adapter documentation and anything relating to web access.

Webservices calling methods

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:38 am
by kbalaji123
janhess wrote:I think you need to read the http adapter documentation and anything relating to web access.
i read the http adapter documentation, -CA, -CERT, -CPASS,-PKEY, -KPASS whether these commands are mandatory for connecting to secured site (https) , when i trying to connect https site with out this commands i am getting error "500 Server Error" . pls give me a solution without using certificate authority details how i can connect to https sites?.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:22 am
by janhess
you need to use
-URL HTTPS://user:pass@host[:port]][/dir[/file]]
The other parameters are only necessary if certificates are used.

Webservices calling methods

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:09 am
by kbalaji123
janhess wrote:you need to use
-URL HTTPS://user:pass@host[:port]][/dir[/file]]
The other parameters are only necessary if certificates are used.
I tried many ways to connect https site (our source site is secured website), i tried u r method also but iam getting error as below .

"WSAConnectSSL: SSL_ERROR_SSL: SSL handshake protocol failure.
WSAConnectSSL: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
No connection."

through proxy server iam accessing internet so iam using this command
-t -URL -PROXY HTTP://user:pass@host:port

using same scenario i am reaching http websites. but i am not able to reaching https site(our source) give me a solution for this it is very helpful for me.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:13 am
by janhess
do you need to set the ssl protocol?

SSL Protocol (-SPROTO)
Use the SSL Protocol adapter command (-SPROTO) to set the Secure Socket Layer
(SSL) protocol level. SSL enables the adapter to process HTTPS URLs. If -SPROTO
is not specified, the SSL Protocol defaults to SSLv23.
Option Description
SSLv2 Specify SSL protocol version 2.
SSLv3 Specify SSL protocol version 3.
SSLv23 Specify SSL protocol version 2, version 3 or
Note Whenever the protocol method of
SSLv23 is specified, the protocol of first
choice is TLSv1, with fallback to SSLv3,
and then to SSLv2.
TLSv1 Specify Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol
version 1.

Webservices calling methods

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:33 am
by kbalaji123
when i used below command i am not connecting internet proxy server too pls find log . in my system accessing internet through internet proxy server.

-t -url https://<user>:<pass>@ /<removed>.com/pages/customerlogin.jsp -SPROTO SSLv2

Server host is ''.
Using port '8080' for the connection.
Connecting to ''.
Socket Opened.
No connection.
Socket Closed.
Connection closed.

when i using proxy adapter and ssl protocol adapter i am getting same error " Server error"

-t -url https://<removed>.com/pages/customerlogin.jsp -PROXY HTTP://<user>:<pass>@ -SPROTO SSLv2

Can you pls suggest me in this.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:55 am
by janhess
Are you using the correct port? Port 443 is the default SSL port (as port 80 is the default for plain HTTP).
-t -url https://<user>:<pass>@ /<removed>.com/pages/customerlogin.jsp -SPROTO SSLv2

Try not specifying the port no to use the default.
Also have you got the correct username and password?

Webservices calling methods

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:01 am
by kbalaji123
I am getting same error (pls see the trace file), i tried with or with out port also and confirmed, i got correct user id and password , when i connect other https sites also i am getting below same error.

pls tell me how to resolve this issue??

Server host is ''.
Using port '8080' for the connection.
Connecting to ''.
Socket Opened.
<GET https://system. HTTP/1.1
Host: system.<removed>.com
Proxy-Authorization: Basic c3JpbGFndTpkZGQkJCREREQ=
User-Agent: HTTP-Adapter/8.0(105)
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 0
X-Abandon-After: 2147483647

(0 bytes sent)
>HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error (F)
(5 lines received)
(284 bytes received)
Server type is 'NetCache appliance (NetApp/6.0.4)'.
Detected a Connection: close, disconnecting.
Socket Closed.
Connection closed.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:15 am
by janhess
you still seem to be using port 80

Code: Select all

Server host is ''. 
Using port '8080' for the connection. 
Connecting to ''. 
Socket Opened. 

Webservices calling methods

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:33 am
by kbalaji123
In DSTX while connecting to https sites how encryption will happen if i used http(s) adapter and what are all commands required for to connect https site??

our client website implemented by 128-bit encryption with https/ssl at the transport level.

Re: Webservices calling methods

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:27 am
by kbalaji123
While importing WSDL file has type tree , i am getting error like "Empty sequence value for platform msgs"

can u pls suggest me how to come out this error.

wsdl file validated successfully.