Hash File Create

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Hash File Create

Post by admin »

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Hi Radha,

The advantage of having the umask in dsenv is that, this mask will apply to all DS users/developers/operators... whereas if you have it in a .profile file it will apply to a
single user, unless you have a generic .profile that applies to all DS users on your machine!

Thats the only advantage that I can think of, you can also execute dsenv in your .profile to setup
your environment properly when you login to the machine without using DS client, remeber the
DS Client will execute dsenv and .profile whenever you login to DS designer/director/manager.


Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 08:28:59 -0800
To: "datastage-users@oliver.com"
From: "Kancharla,Radha,GLENDALE,IS"
Subject: RE: Hash File Creation

Hi Nazek,

Thanks. Solved the problem by placing umask=002 in the .profile file and changing the mode for the existing files. We havent kept the umask=002 in the dsenv file. If we place so, can we gain any advantage over keeping in the .profile file!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nazek Al-Malak [SMTP:Nazek.Al-Malak@ThirdFederal.com]
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 8:32 AM
> To: datastage-users@oliver.com
> Subject: RE:Hash File Creation
> The best think to do is to add this line to your dsenv file, then stop
> and start DS.
> umask=002
> This will let you create all your new Hash files OR jobs with 775
> permision which is read,write, and execute to owner and group and
> gives read and execute to others. Remember that this will not effect
> you exsiting files. You can do a recursive chmod on the project with
> 775 (chmod -R 775) and that will cover all exsiting jobs and files.
> Hope this helps!
> Nazek
> ==========================
> Hello,
> I have created a job which creates a hash file hCustomer in a
> project by logging in with my userid . It ran fine.
> Actually I should login into that project with a different userid and
> should un these jobs. For that, I exported the job and imported back
> into that project with the correct userid and tried to run the job. It
> failed as there is no permission to open the hash file.
> In the UNIX side, previosly it has created a directory with the hash
> name and a file with my userid as the owner to those files. When I ran
> second time with different userid, it did not allow as the group does
> not have permission to access it.
> Then I deleted the concerned hash files and directories for that hash
> file and tried to ran second time. This time it failed as the record
> format is already recorded in VOC file with the my userid.
> Inorder to move forward, I can rename the hash files and it will work
> fine. But as I am following some standards and based on the standards,
> I named the
> hash files and I want to retain the same names for consistency sake. Is
> there any way I can completely overwrite the hash files with different
> userids in the same project?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Radha Kancharla
> Knowledge Management
> Nestle USA


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