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AW: AW: Binaries data file

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 10:45 am
by admin
This is a topic for an orphaned message.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 10:45 am
by admin
Thanks a lot Wolfgang and all who has answered. Your answers are very helpfull.

Best regards,Alexandre Stoulov
Consultant. Business Intelligence Projects
TERN Company

whgd> If you look into the helpfiles you will find for sure functions to
whgd> convert any byte in bits and process them.

whgd> For example I wrote this function for to transfer Bytes to Bits:

whgd> ------------------------------------------------------
whgd> MyByte=Arg1
whgd> MyNumber=SEQ(MyByte)
whgd> Ans=""
whgd> FOR X=7 TO 0 STEP -1
whgd> IF MyNumber > 2^X
whgd> THEN Ans=Ans:1;MyNumber=MyNumber-2^X
whgd> ELSE Ans=Ans:0
whgd> NEXT X
whgd> Return(Ans)
whgd> -------------------------------------------------------