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PICS9 - COMP-3 Problems/Resolved

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 4:29 pm
by admin
This is a topic for an orphaned message.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 4:29 pm
by admin wrote:

> COMP-3 fields cannot be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII since they are
> not EBCDIC. They even not use an alphabet. COMP-3 fields need a
> specific conversion.

What you say is true. It isnt what we were asking. The Comp3 format was embedded in a file that otherwise was EBCDIC-formatted.

We resolved the problem by verifying the source data and determining that the definition of one column was (5)V99 and the other was (14)V99. The Comp3V99 transformation worked properly once we corrected the meta data...
