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loading of 100 dBase IV files into a single fact table, in a

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2001 8:45 am
by admin
This is a topic for an orphaned message.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2001 8:45 am
by admin
If the table definitions are different for different tables, it cant be done in a single job. You *may* be able to do it with job control, or you may like to investigate the job control API which allows you (in DS 4.1 and later) to create jobs "on the fly" - but it is complex and you need a client language such as Visual Basic.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2001 9:22 am
by admin
Ray has a point.

I just reread your message. If I understand correctly, these 100 dbase files are all different? This is really no different to reading from 100 different tables in a relational database. Perhaps you could clarify this for us.

What I was referring to in my earlier message is that I read many (sometimes
hundreds) of dBase files that all have the SAME column definitions.

You might want to think about writing an extract in dBase or FoxPro to transfer it all to a single file that DataStage can load.

Alternatively, you could probably write it all in DataStage Basic. Calling ODBC directly from code allows you to interrogate what the row looks like. At the very least, due to the typeless nature of variables in Basic, it wont be so sensitive to the type of the source columns. However, if you havent written DataStage basic programs before, this is probably a bit ambitious.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vivek Pandey. []
Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2001 4:36 PM
Subject: loading of 100 dBase IV files into a single fact table, in a single job

Dear All,
I have to load about 100 dBase IV file into a single fact table, how can I achieve it in a single job. This has been a problem, since extraction of dBase IV files require an ODBC stage, and the column derivation has information about the specific dBASE file. Has anyone every tried this, is there any alternative way


Vivek Pandey _______________________________________________________
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