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Problem with datastage jobs hanging

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 12:10 am
by admin
This is a topic for an orphaned message.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 12:10 am
by admin

This really belons to the DataStage list. Im cross-posting it for you.


--- Simon Vollett wrote: > Hi all,
> Can anyone suggest a reason why a datastage job should hang? I have
> a top level control job which calls a lower level control job which
> calls a series of active stages. These stages finish successfully and
> this is noted in the log. The lower level control job finishes
> successfully and this is also noted in the log. At this point control
> should be returned to the top level control job, but from there the
> job just hangs, waiting for the lower level control job to finish,
> even though it has. Datastage support tells me that "Sometimes,
> rarely, the signal gets lost in the operating system, so is never
> received by the parent signal", so the top level control job never
> receives notification of the completion of its child process. Ive
> also been told that there is a known problem with the Universe engine
> that causes this type of thing to happen. Does anyone have any ideas
> about what could be going wrong and what I can do to prevent this.
> Im stumped and any suggestions or tips would be gratefully received.
> The job is run on a Windows 2000 box.
> Thanks in advance.
> Simon V

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