Merge 2 tables in a single file

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Merge 2 tables in a single file

Post by admin »

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »


I am encountering a problem with a DataStage job that I have
developed. This job has been scheduled to run every 15 minutes to
extract data from an Oracle table and insert to Unidata table.

The job will extract the Oracle new records base on the timestamp of
a field called INSERT_DATETIME in the Oracle table. The comparison of
extraction is something like this in the Constraints of the Transformer. INSERT_DATETIME >= LAST_RETRIEVE_DATE

The LAST_RETRIEVE_DATE is actually the last retrieval datetime
written into a file. When the job starts executing, it will actually
read the last retrieval date from the mentioned file.

The problem that I am facing is that the records in the Oracle table
keeps growing and currently there are more than 5 million records. I
noticed that DataStage jobs will actually read through the whole table
from record number 1 to the end of 5 million and each of the record
retrieved will have to compare the INSERT_DATETIME with the

This method has actually affected the performance of the DataStage
jobs which is supposed to complete within 15 minutes. As for this
problem, it caused the DataStage job to exceed the 15 minutes buffer.

My question is, whether the DataStage have a way to recognise the
newly inserted records in the Oracle table without having scan through
the Oracle table from record 1 again when doing the comparison?

Our customer has been complaining about this performance issue since
the job cannot complete within 15 minutes buffer.

Hope you all could give some suggestions on how to rectify this
problem. I would appreciate your help. Thank you.
