Non-numeric data where numeric required in DSD.RUN.

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Non-numeric data where numeric required in DSD.RUN.

Post by admin »

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Alas, I do not have access to source. In any case, DSD.RUN is one program that is likely to change at every release. We would need to know the exact release number, then offer Glenn or someone a virtual beer (or similar) to dig it out. Not all components of a job compile to individual components, so it is possible that DSD.RUN is reporting the error from a design component as I suggested, but I take your point. That its still occurring at 3.6 ( but what is x in 3.6.x? ) suggests that there is *something* that needs to be looked at by DS Engineering. Can someone raise a support call with a (preferably simple) reproducible case?

> ----------
> From: David Barham[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 15 August 2000 22:31
> To:
> Subject: RE: RE: Non-numeric data where numeric required. (was:
> JobHangsand Job Lock (but isnt))
> Ray,
> With this problem/error that Mark is getting ...
> If there was an error in his job definition or data definition,
> wouldnt the program name in the error message reflect the job name
> (if in job
> control)
> or the stage name (if a data error in the processing in a stage)?? If
> memory serves me correctly (and I am not at work where I can check it),
> the
> various components of a job compile to specific program names. Why would
> DSD.RUN be reporting an error rather than one of the specific programs
> generated by the job? I understand that this could still be related to
> job definition, but in the interest of helping Mark track down exactly
> where the problem is, the message suggests to me that the error is not in
> the job control, stage definitions or any transforms. Dont suppose you
> have access to the source of DSD.RUN and can tell us what it is trying to
> do at line 274?
> David