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File Merge: multirows --> single row

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 7:14 am
by admin
Im trying to merge multiple rows of a source file into a single row in a target file. eg.
AAAA 0001 X
AAAA 0002 Y
BBBB 0003 X
CCCC 0004 X
CCCC 0005 Y


AAAA 0001 0002
BBBB 0003
CCCC 0004 0005

Target file spec:
source.col1(join col) || source.col2(if col3 = X, always exists) || source.col2(if col3 = Y,otherwise blank)

I was thinking of using the Merge stage but Id first have to split the file into 2.

Any suggestions ?
