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ODBC problem with IFX 7.31 TC1 (Help !)

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 6:18 pm
by admin

Ive got the following problem : in the input of a transformer ive got a
char(1) column, in the output the destination column is also char(1) but datastage reject the row with a warning specifying that data has been truncated ("P" was changed to "").

Apparently it works like if the output was adding an extra-character to the string (space or for instance).

The configuration is the following :

- Compaq proliant 8500 cluster running under NT4 with SP6a.
- DataStage version 4.2.
- ODBC Datastage Informix9 driver or Intersolv informix 3.31 ODBC driver.
- Database engine is Informix Online 7.31 TC1.

With IDS 2000 on a notebook with Ifx-connect 2.40 it works perfectly.

Thanks for your help.

Pierre-Yves Brunet