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DataStage profiler?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2001 10:10 pm
by admin
Does anyone know of a profiling tool to help optimize a DataStage job and find where the performance bottlenecks are?



Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2001 5:59 am
by admin
I am fairly confident there isnt any.

Two reasons. One is that so few people actually understand exactly what DataStage jobs are doing. The other is that the "bottleneck" can rarely be sheeted home to DataStage - almost always in my experience the bottleneck has been outside, perhaps running out of CPU (monitor idle time on the CPUs), memory (monitor paging activity), disk (be aware of data delivery rates), network (what bandwidth can you REALLY get, are you using packets efficiently, with what other traffic are you competing, etc) or database servers.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, 21 September 2001 08:11
Subject: DataStage profiler?

Does anyone know of a profiling tool to help optimize a DataStage job and find where the performance bottlenecks are?

