Abnormal termaination of stage OCI8

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Abnormal termaination of stage OCI8

Post by admin »

Hi All!

This is the second help request on a problem that a customer of mine found with a DS job that read data from a several Oracle Table and load data in other several Oracle Table. Maybe giving some more information somebody could help me (HOPE). He has used OCI8 stage and the designe of the job is like follow:

_________ ________
| | | |
| OCI8 | /| OCI8 |
|_________| / |_______|
________ _______/ ________
| | | | | |
| OCI8 |---------------------------- | OCI8 |------------------------------| OCI8 |
|_______ | |_______| |________|
/ / / ________ / _________
| | | |
| OCI8 | | OCI8 |
| ________| |_________| ..............etc. (in the job there is 16 Output Stages)

Every two execution this job abort with message on Director "Abnormal termaination of stage VasJob.DCT_SAVAS_PROVINCE.IDENT1 detected",
where DCT_SAVAS_PROVINCE is the name of one of the OCI8 Target stage. Re-booting the server the execution of this job is ok for couple of time then Abort again with the same error.

Its really strange that stop and start the Datastages services is not sufficient to let the job executed regularly.

On "&PH&" directory, apart from other that seems to be not relevant, this messagge is founded:

"UniVerse user limit has been reached, and license cleanup failed."

During execution nobody is connected to DataStage due the job is scheduled to run during night time.

Have you never seen this??

Thank you in advance.

Giovanni Boccia
Sales Engineer
Direzione Industria e Servizi
Datamat - Enabling Your Future
E-mail: boccia@datamat.it