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Deploying packages and including custom Routines and Transfo

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 3:40 pm
by admin

This is my first post to this users group. I work with DataStage v4.1 running on Win2000. I am just getting into deploying packages for read/only execution. Prior to this, I had simply exported jobs and routines to a .DSX file and imported them to my target server. Now I must deploy a package of released jobs that will be loaded by the Package Installer.

My stumbling block is understanding how to get custom Routines (both Before/After and General ones) and custom Transforms into my deployed package. I have gone into Properties of a top level batch job, and in the Dependencies tab I have added the names of all these routines and transforms. Ive called them type "Local", and Ive tried naming them two ways ... and DSU..

In each case, when I then release that job and try and create a package from it and all its dependencies, I get an error during the packaging process saying that " is not in the local Account (VOC)."

My reason for suspecting I needed to do this in the first place is because, when I did create a package of just jobs alone it created fine. But, running that deployed package immediately aborted. From my DS Director error log, I could see the explosion occurred just at the point where it was trying to call one of my custom routines inside Job Control.

So, I am quite sure I need to follow some explicit set of steps to get these routines and transforms into my deployed package, but I cannot figure out how to keep the package creation process happy when it runs across these non-job dependencies.

Any and all advice most appreciated ... Ive got essentially a zero length time line to meet!

Thanks in advance,

Tracy Slack
Harland Financial Solutions