UDB plug-in : DS doesnt know 24:00:00

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UDB plug-in : DS doesnt know 24:00:00

Post by admin »


I use DataStage 4.1 and UDB V7.

When I use a UDB plug-in to read my data, I get the following warning:

TESTADSInitDetVehHistExtr.OSDS_DetHist: At row 2, link "Out_T_DetHist", while processing column "EVNT_ACTVY_ACTUAL_TM" Attempt to convert Long value "86400" to Time type unsuccessful

The value of the EVNT_ACTVY_ACTUAL_TM field (time field) in UDB is 24:00:00 . Ive run this job with 2,500,000 rows and only the rows with EVNT_ACTVY_ACTUAL_TM field = 24:00:00 gave this problem.

If I write the output to a file, the value of the rows with the previous mentioned warning, is the value of this field of the previous row!!!

It seems like the UDB plugin cant recognize midnight as 24:00:00.

How can I solve this? The time field should be correct, because its important for our processing.

Many thanks! Regards,
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

At 04:14 PM 7/25/01 +0100, you wrote:
>I use DataStage 4.1 and UDB V7.
>When I use a UDB plug-in to read my data, I get the following warning:
>TESTADSInitDetVehHistExtr.OSDS_DetHist: At row 2, link "Out_T_DetHist",
>while processing column "EVNT_ACTVY_ACTUAL_TM" Attempt to convert Long
>value "86400" to Time type unsuccessful
>The value of the EVNT_ACTVY_ACTUAL_TM field (time field) in UDB is
>24:00:00 . Ive run this job with 2,500,000 rows and only the rows with
>EVNT_ACTVY_ACTUAL_TM field = 24:00:00 gave this problem.
>If I write the output to a file, the value of the rows with the
>previous mentioned warning, is the value of this field of the previous
>It seems like the UDB plugin cant recognize midnight as 24:00:00.


Just taking a wild guess at the moment (Im looking into it more), but many systems consider 24:00:00 to be somewhat illegal. Under some standard military time displays, midnight is represented as 0:00:00.

Yep... sure enough... the code basically says any value < 0 or >= 86400 is an illegal value.

Best bet is to contact support and have them open a GTAR...

Dave ========================================================================
David T. Meeks || "All my life Im taken by surprise
Development Engineer, DataStage || Im someones waste of time
Ascential Software || Now I walk a balanced line
dave.meeks@ascentialsoftware.com || and step into tomorrow" - IQ
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

What happens if you make the Data Element for this column "Time"?
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

This data element is of type "time" and when I use the builtin function time, I get the same result.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Wurlod [mailto:ray.wurlod@Informix.Com]
Sent: donderdag 26 juli 2001 2:20
To: datastage-users@oliver.com
Subject: RE: UDB plug-in : DS doesnt know 24:00:00

What happens if you make the Data Element for this column "Time"?
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Thanks for that. It makes a difference for the ODBC stage, but I dont have any UDB database (currently) to do the test. It was worth trying though.
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

At 07:13 AM 7/26/01 +0100, you wrote:
>This data element is of type "time" and when I use the builtin function
>time, I get the same result.

I opened up GTAR 34719 for you on this issue. Its currently targetted for the next release of the UDB plug in stage.

If you need to track it further, or raise its priority you should contact support and reference this GTAR #.
