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ODBC Connection to SQL Server 2000

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2001 3:17 pm
by admin
Hi everyone!!

I have problem connecting my DataStage 4.0 on HP-UX to a SQL Server 2000 by ODBC driver.

Ive configurated it correctly (I hope!!!), defining:
- in dsenv file the ODBCINI environment variable;
- in $unhome/.odbc.ini the [dsnname], the Driver with the path to and the Address with host (IP number) and port;
- in uvodbc.config the with DBMSTYPE = ODBC

The error that I get trying connection from Manager is:

ds_loadlibrary: error in dlopen - Dynamic Error
calling subroutine: DSR_IMPPLG (Action=1);
check DataStage is set up correctly in project DWHTOL
(The connection is broken (81002))

Does somebody know if this ODBC driver support SQL Server 2000?

Thanks a lot

Giovanni Boccia
Sales Engineer
Direzione Industria e Servizi
Datamat - Enabling Your Future
Via Laurentina, 760
00143 Roma - Italy