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Problem validating a job

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 12:40 pm
by admin

When Im trying to validate a job, it gives me the following error:

Abnormal termination of stage VGUpdateBenefits.tfBenefits_NoRejects detected

DataStage Job 673 Phantom 428
File name "JOB.1446630359.DT.1224152041.V0S101.IDENT1" too long. Truncated to "JOB.1446630359.DT.1224152041.V0S101.IDENT".
DataStage Phantom Finished

Why is the Filename so long???????


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 1:42 am
by admin
What operating system are you running on?
The original name is 42 characters, the truncated name is 41 characters. 41 characters is the maximum length that a UniVerse type 1 file keys can be. The problem can be alleviated by changing all the RT_BPnn files from Type 1 to Type 19. The best way to do this is from a UniVerse prompt, using the command RESIZE RT_BPnn 19 where nn is each file number. Then recompile your job and all will be well. To determine a job number, get to a UniVerse command line (e.g. in
Administrator) then execute
(This command is case sensitive.)

The long name has resulted from your job design, having an "identity" stage added by DataStage compiler because you have two active stages adjacent. The name is made up of the following components:
1446630359 result of processing job name through hashing algorithm
"DT" "date/time"
1224132041 date in internal format (12241) and time in internal
format (32041)
"V0S101" 101st stage added to job (!) - numbers from deleted stages
are not re-used
"IDENT" "identity" stage added because DataStage requires active
stages to be connected to passive stages