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ADMIN: Critical issues and proper use of the lists

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2001 4:48 am
by admin
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To both the u2-users and the datastage-users list:


Every once in a while I feel it necessary to remind everyone what the lists are not.

Specifically, the lists are NOT a replacement for IBM/Informix and Ascential Software Tech Support.

Now, over the years, and because of the fantastic collected experience we have among all the subscribers, we (at least among ourselves) have a reputation for being able to quickly find a solution or work-around to many, many issues.

This is a Good Thing.

But I recently had an incident where someone tried to post a 3MB file to one of the lists about an ongoing problem (several weeks, if not a couple of months) including the comment, "I am running out of time and options." This implies to me that person has never tried to work a "serious" problem through the official support channels.

This is a Bad Thing.

We are a user community trying to help each other. And our community, thankfully, includes many fine people from IBM/Informix and Ascential Software. But I get concerned sometimes when I see someone who appears to think the lists are the Primary Source for solutions.

Personally, for whatever thats worth, if I have a serious issue, I use both resources. First, I call Support and open a case. If Support has to go to "researching" the problem, I will also ask the list members if anyone has gone this way before. Then when I get an answer, I share it with the other resource. (Please! If you have an open case with Support and get an answer from the lists or any other source, remember to contact them, close the case number, and report your findings. And when you get a resolution from Support, please share it with the rest of us, unless asked by Support not to--which I have *never* heard of happening.)

If it is a not-so-serious issue, Ill go to the list first. Why take up Supports time if it is just a case of my lack of experience or failure to interpret the manual correctly (or missed the reference).

I am sorry if I sound like I am coming down on anyone. That is not my intent. I just get very concerned when someone tells a group of volunteers "I am running out of time," and they have given no indication they are using their Support Contract.

To use a medical analogy, I see us (the lists) kind of like a Red Cross type of volunteer group. We band together, we help each other, and we try to help others. We have good talent, a lot of real world experience, and really pull together to help someone out in a crisis.

But if you are lying on the side of road after an auto accident, are you going to dial a toll-free number and ask the nearest volunteer to come out to help you? Or are you going to dial 9-1-1 for your contracted paramedic team? (Apologies for the USA-centric example.)

In summary, I am not trying to restrict ANY kind of question or request for help to the lists. But dont ignore the official Support groups when you have a really "hot" issue.



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