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Scheduling jobs from Director

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2001 8:32 am
by admin
Hi all,
i have problem on visualize schedule from the director.
Im working with DS 4.1 on AIX 4.3.
A try to schedule a job to run Today at a specified time from the director but it looks like unschedule in the director. The strange thing its that: i controled the processes scheduled by the at command and the job was correctly scheduled. An other strange thing its that if i schedule a job to run Daily or Every the director seems work aright.

Someone can help me about this?

Thanks all.

Riccardo Tani
Staff Consultant
Direzione Industria e Servizi
Datamat, Enabling Your Future
Rome, Italy

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2001 9:44 am
by admin
Salve Riccardo,

What is the exact version of DataStage that you are using?
You can find out by viewing the following file:
$ cat $(cat /.uvhome)/.dsrel

This could be an existing issue, however, if you try to
schedule the job directly from "at" you will not see it
scheduled in Director, as you know.

This does sound like an existing GTAR. However, have you checked that the user you are testing with is the same one used in both the Director and the commandline?

When you schedule from Director, DataStage will end executing either the "at" or "crontab" commands at the Unix level. You could put an "interlude" script for the "at" command in
this case to trap the command that DataStage director executes.

Try the following script:
#! /usr/bin/ksh
CMD=`basename $0`
echo ${CMD} $* >> /tmp/${CMD}_$$.log
/usr/bin/${CMD} $*

Name the above script "at" and place it higher up in the search
path. For example place it in the /usr/local/bin directory and then edit the dsenv file so that /usr/local/bin is the first directory in the PATH.
PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH; export PATH

You will need to stop and start DataStage for the dsenv changes to take effect. Then when you schedule the job from Director a log file will be created in /tmp named "at_NNNN.log" where NNNN is the PID of the process that called the script.

I hope this helps in some way.

Best regards,
Anthony Corrente.

--- Riccardo Tani wrote: > Hi all,
> i have problem on visualize schedule from the director.
> Im working with DS 4.1 on AIX 4.3.
> A try to schedule a job to run Today at a specified time from the
> director but it looks like unschedule in the director. The strange
> thing its that: i controled the processes scheduled by the at command
> and the job was correctly scheduled. An other strange thing its that
> if i schedule a job to run Daily or Every the director seems work
> aright.
> Someone can help me about this?
> Thanks all.
> Riccardo Tani
> Staff Consultant
> Direzione Industria e Servizi
> Datamat, Enabling Your Future
> Rome, Italy
> e-mail:

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Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2001 12:45 pm
by admin
Salve Anthony,
Thanks a lot for ur help.
The Datastage version is 4.1.1 and the user is the same used in both the Director and the commandline. Ill follow ur suggestions and i will keep u informed about risults.

Riccardo Tani
Staff Consultant
Direzione Industria e Servizi
Datamat, Enabling Your Future
Rome, Italy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony Corrente"
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: Scheduling jobs from Director

> Salve Riccardo,
> What is the exact version of DataStage that you are using? You can
> find out by viewing the following file: $ cat $(cat /.uvhome)/.dsrel
> This could be an existing issue, however, if you try to schedule the
> job directly from "at" you will not see it scheduled in Director, as
> you know.
> This does sound like an existing GTAR. However, have you checked that
> the user you are testing with is the same one used in both the
> Director and the commandline?
> When you schedule from Director, DataStage will end executing either
> the "at" or "crontab" commands at the Unix level. You could put an
> "interlude" script for the "at" command in this case to trap the
> command that DataStage director executes.
> Try the following script:
> #! /usr/bin/ksh
> CMD=`basename $0`
> echo ${CMD} $* >> /tmp/${CMD}_$$.log
> /usr/bin/${CMD} $*
> Name the above script "at" and place it higher up in the search path.
> For example place it in the /usr/local/bin directory and then edit the
> dsenv file so that /usr/local/bin is the first directory in the PATH.
> PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH; export PATH
> You will need to stop and start DataStage for the dsenv changes to
> take effect. Then when you schedule the job from Director a log file
> will be created in /tmp named "at_NNNN.log" where NNNN is the PID of
> the process that called the script.
> I hope this helps in some way.
> Best regards,
> Anthony Corrente.
> --- Riccardo Tani wrote: > Hi all,
> > i have problem on visualize schedule from the director.
> > Im working with DS 4.1 on AIX 4.3.
> > A try to schedule a job to run Today at a specified time from the
> > but it looks like unschedule in the director.
> > The strange thing its that: i controled the processes scheduled by
> > the
> > command and the job was correctly scheduled.
> > An other strange thing its that if i schedule a job to run Daily or
> > the director seems work aright.
> >
> > Someone can help me about this?
> >
> > Thanks all.
> >
> > Riccardo Tani
> > Staff Consultant
> > Direzione Industria e Servizi
> > Datamat, Enabling Your Future
> > Rome, Italy
> > e-mail:
> >
> - Yahoo! Messenger
> - Voice chat, mail alerts, stock quotes and favourite news and lots
> more!