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Failed job, status=96

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 6:12 pm
by admin
I have a batch job that calls several jobs. Usually when one of the called jobs fails the calling job also fails. This morning one of the called jobs failed, but the calling job kept running.

Called job fails:
6/6/01 5:30:40 AM
Abnormal termination of stage OPMRNLkup.MRNLkup detected

Calling job:
6/6/01 5:30:41 AM
Batch::OPInsProc.JobControl (DSWaitForJob): Job OPMRNLkup has finished, status = 96 Calling job keeps running.

According to jobcontrol.h status 96 is Job has crashed. Does anyone know why the calling job didnt abort?

