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Thanks Ernie & Pavan!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2001 1:14 pm
by admin
Thanks Ernie! I wished I had found these notes months ago. ;o) Also, tahnks Pavan for your invaluable help regarding Revealing the tables with F11.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ernie Ostic []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 4:55 PM
Subject: RE: Documentation Tool. (?)

You may also find these notes helpful. This lists out the most interesting tables within the set. These notes were compiled by one of the DataStage field engineers.



ObjectType JOB.

The owner of a job is the project. The Jobname and the ObjectName will be the same. Jobs have Propnames Full Job Description, Before Job Subroutine, After Job Subroutine, and Job Control Code.

ObjectType STAGE:

The owner of a stage is Job. The Objectname and the Stagename are the same. Passive Stages have Propnames Description and Directory. Transformation stages have Description, Before Stage Subroutine, and After Stage Subroutine Propnames associated with them.

ObjectType Link:

The Owner of a Link is the Stage associated with it. Links have a Linkinpoutprop associated with them describing if the link is an input or an output. Links have a Propname description associated with them. An output link will also have a Constraint Propname associated with it.

ObjectType Column

The Owner of a column is the Link associated with it. Columns not moving through an active stage only have a propname of description associated with them. Columns passing through a transformation have propnames of Description, Derivation, and SourceColumn (001) associated with them.

ObjectType TableDefinition

The Owner of a TableDefinition is the ProjectName. There is no jobname or stagename associated with a TableDefinition. The ObjectName of a TableDefinition is the qualified location of the meta data associated with the table. TableDefinitions have a Propname of Long Description associated with them which generally will contain the import date/time of the metadata.

Structure of DSCOLUMNS

This table contains the relationship between a column and the jobs and links it is used in. The ColumnName and JobName values are straightforward. The OutputFromStage column identifies the source stage for the column. For a Column with no Jobname or OutputFromStage value, the LinkOrTblDefnName identifies the qualified location of the meta data, allowing us to tie the column to a TableDefinition within the DSPROPERTIES table. For other Columns, the LinkOrTblDefnName contains the name of an output link the column will be placed on.

Structure of DSSTAGES

This table provides the Project, JobName, StageName and StageType of all stages used in the project.

Structure of DSLINKS

DSLINKS provides the definition of the data flow. It contains the Project, JobName, and LinkName. From this we can find the Stages connected by the link as well as the type of link defined and the associated tables, if the link is connected to a passive stage via the OutputFilesPName and InputFilesPName columns. These columns are if the link is connected to an Active Stage.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pavan Marpaka []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 5:26 PM
To: David Daugherty ;
Subject: RE: Documentation Tool. (?)

You can also try this. Double click on Doc_tool.mdb and once the application is open, press F11 to reveal the tables.



-----Original Message-----
From: David Daugherty
Sent: 6/4/2001 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: Documentation Tool. (?)

Thanks for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Riccardo Tani []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Documentation Tool. (?)

Hi David,
open the doc_tool.mdb in this way:
press the shift key while doble clicking the file
You will be able to modify the doc_tool!

Riccardo Tani
Staff Consultant
Unita Servizi alle Imprese
Datamat, Enabling Your Future
Rome, Italy