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Access Universe files from DataStage

Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 3:58 am
by admin
Hi All,

I am fairly new to datastage

Actually we have Universe on Solaris and we have installed DataStage on Win2000.

This is my requirement - I want to access Universe files on the Solaris machine through DataStage

I can access Universe files and Universe tables on the local machine ( Local Universe ) using UV stage in Datastage

For accessing Universe files on Solaris, I make a DSN ( I use ODBC to connect to Universe on Solaris on a diff machine) here I dont get a listing of Universe files in Datastage, I only get a listing of UV tables !

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at

Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 7:53 am
by admin
You need to set up an entry in your uvodbc.config file (in the DataStage project directory) for the database. Examine the entry for localuv as a prototype. You need to specify the hostname, the name of the server (which is always uvserver), the network (which must be TCP/IP) and the DBMSTYPE (which must be UNIVERSE). In this way DataStage communicates to UniVerse using a native interface (BCI/UCI), which uses ODBC protocols but does not use an ODBC driver.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dimple []
Sent: Thursday, 03 May 2001 13:58
Subject: Access Universe files from DataStage

Hi All,

I am fairly new to datastage

Actually we have Universe on Solaris and we have installed DataStage on Win2000.

This is my requirement - I want to access Universe files on the Solaris machine through DataStage

I can access Universe files and Universe tables on the local machine ( Local Universe ) using UV stage in Datastage

For accessing Universe files on Solaris, I make a DSN ( I use ODBC to connect to Universe on Solaris on a diff machine) here I dont get a listing of Universe files in Datastage, I only get a listing of UV tables !

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at