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Aborted jobs

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 2:51 pm
by admin
Im setting up our DataStage jobs to message us when there
are errors. The problem with aborted jobs is that they just stop, and cant run a routine that will send us an error message. Is there any way to run some routine when a job aborts?



Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 6:00 pm
by admin

Perhaps the best approach is to create a Batch (Job Control) which runs the job and based upon its completion code can send a message. This way it is one removed from the real process. In the next version of DataStage you will be able to run multiple instances of the same job/batch using job parameters. This way you would only need to create a single Batch process. Today you would need to create one for each respective job. The Batch would
be what you schedule (not the actual job). Hope this helps..


-Allen Spayth

----- Original Message -----
From: "Salstrom, Kenneth"
To: "DataStage List (E-mail)"
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:51 AM
Subject: Aborted jobs

Im setting up our DataStage jobs to message us when there
are errors. The problem with aborted jobs is that they just stop, and cant run a routine that will send us an error message. Is there any way to run some routine when a job aborts?



Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 8:52 pm
by admin
The approach we use is to have the controlling job, which started the job in question, detect the abort and send the email.

-----Original Message-----
From: Salstrom, Kenneth []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:51 AM
To: DataStage List (E-mail)
Subject: Aborted jobs

Im setting up our DataStage jobs to message us when there
are errors. The problem with aborted jobs is that they just stop, and cant run a routine that will send us an error message. Is there any way to run some routine when a job aborts?



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Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 12:29 am
by admin
Its something you can manage in job control code, as David has already mentioned. In job control code you can also detect whether the job is runnable in the first place, and reset it if it is not (and thats an appropriate thing to do). These techniques - and many others - are taught in the class "Programming with DataStage BASIC".

-----Original Message-----
From: Salstrom, Kenneth []
Sent: Wednesday, 25 April 2001 22:51
To: DataStage List (E-mail)
Subject: Aborted jobs

Im setting up our DataStage jobs to message us when there
are errors. The problem with aborted jobs is that they just stop, and cant run a routine that will send us an error message. Is there any way to run some routine when a job aborts?



Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 3:55 am
by admin
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Wurlod []
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:30 PM
Subject: AD: Aborted jobs

Its something you can manage in job control code, as David has already mentioned. In job control code you can also detect whether the job is runnable in the first place, and reset it if it is not (and thats an appropriate thing to do). These techniques - and many others - are taught in the class "Programming with DataStage BASIC".

-----Original Message-----
From: Salstrom, Kenneth []
Sent: Wednesday, 25 April 2001 22:51
To: DataStage List (E-mail)
Subject: Aborted jobs

Im setting up our DataStage jobs to message us when there
are errors. The problem with aborted jobs is that they just stop, and cant run a routine that will send us an error message. Is there any way to run some routine when a job aborts?

