Aborted job?

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Aborted job?

Post by admin »

Does anyone have any thoughts about this one. I have a job which runs every night without incident. The job control copies a file from a remote server which the stages then load into my database. Last night it failed. There were a total of 3 entries in the log file. The first entry was the usual job starting entry. The last entry was the usual RunJob entry reporting the job completion back to the controlling job.

The middle entry was this:

Project:coalmis (minsv003)
Job name:OCDrayEnumsLoad
Event #:11103
Timestamp:2001-04-16 21:02:37
Event type:Control
Job OCDrayEnumsLoad aborted.

Note that the symbol on the left of this message was a green tick, not a red cross as one would expect. How does one even start to debug this? I looked in &PH& in the hopes of further messages, but found nothing out of the ordinary there either.

Im not overly concerned about this, it isnt critical to our overnight processing. Ill probably have to recompile it to make sure it runs OK tonight, which it probably will.

If anyone can shed some light on this one, it would be appreciated.


David Barham
Information Technology Consultant
CoalMIS Project
Anglo Coal Australia Pty Ltd
Brisbane, Australia
e-mail: David.Barham@anglocoal.com.au

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Sometimes when a job aborts, the phantom (background process) running it or the aborted stage does not get the opportunity to log the actual cause. The info is in the &PH& subdirectory, and will be put into the job log file by resetting the job.

I note in passing that the event number is over 11000. This may mean that you have very many entries in your log file, or simply that the counter has never been reset. If its the former, then you may be able to get better performance by auto-purging the log.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Barham [mailto:David.Barham@Anglocoal.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 April 2001 08:36
To: informix-datastage@oliver.com
Subject: Aborted job?

Does anyone have any thoughts about this one. I have a job which runs every night without incident. The job control copies a file from a remote server which the stages then load into my database. Last night it failed. There were a total of 3 entries in the log file. The first entry was the usual job starting entry. The last entry was the usual RunJob entry reporting the job completion back to the controlling job.

The middle entry was this:

Project:coalmis (minsv003)
Job name:OCDrayEnumsLoad
Event #:11103
Timestamp:2001-04-16 21:02:37
Event type:Control
Job OCDrayEnumsLoad aborted.

Note that the symbol on the left of this message was a green tick, not a red cross as one would expect. How does one even start to debug this? I looked in &PH& in the hopes of further messages, but found nothing out of the ordinary there either.

Im not overly concerned about this, it isnt critical to our overnight processing. Ill probably have to recompile it to make sure it runs OK tonight, which it probably will.

If anyone can shed some light on this one, it would be appreciated.


David Barham
Information Technology Consultant
CoalMIS Project
Anglo Coal Australia Pty Ltd
Brisbane, Australia
e-mail: David.Barham@anglocoal.com.au

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »


Tried resetting the job, but it did not add anything else useful to the log, other than the usual resetting and finished resetting messages for each stage.

As I said in my original post, I had a look in &PH& and found no unusual messages. (I looked at each file created around the time the job ran).

The log file currently has about 700 entries and does have auto-purging turned on.

Thanks anyway.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Wurlod [mailto:ray.wurlod@Informix.Com]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 April 2001 9:24 AM
To: informix-datastage@oliver.com
Subject: RE: Aborted job?

Sometimes when a job aborts, the phantom (background process) running it or the aborted stage does not get the opportunity to log the actual cause. The info is in the &PH& subdirectory, and will be put into the job log file by resetting the job.

I note in passing that the event number is over 11000. This may mean that you have very many entries in your log file, or simply that the counter has never been reset. If its the former, then you may be able to get better performance by auto-purging the log.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Barham [mailto:David.Barham@Anglocoal.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 April 2001 08:36
To: informix-datastage@oliver.com
Subject: Aborted job?

Does anyone have any thoughts about this one. I have a job which runs every night without incident. The job control copies a file from a remote server which the stages then load into my database. Last night it failed. There were a total of 3 entries in the log file. The first entry was the usual job starting entry. The last entry was the usual RunJob entry reporting the job completion back to the controlling job.

The middle entry was this:

Project:coalmis (minsv003)
Job name:OCDrayEnumsLoad
Event #:11103
Timestamp:2001-04-16 21:02:37
Event type:Control
Job OCDrayEnumsLoad aborted.

Note that the symbol on the left of this message was a green tick, not a red cross as one would expect. How does one even start to debug this? I looked in &PH& in the hopes of further messages, but found nothing out of the ordinary there either.

Im not overly concerned about this, it isnt critical to our overnight processing. Ill probably have to recompile it to make sure it runs OK tonight, which it probably will.

If anyone can shed some light on this one, it would be appreciated.


David Barham
Information Technology Consultant
CoalMIS Project
Anglo Coal Australia Pty Ltd
Brisbane, Australia
e-mail: David.Barham@anglocoal.com.au

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