Combining Text Files?

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Combining Text Files?

Post by admin »


Using DataStage, I am trying to combine 5 text files into one text file similar to what is done in DOS with the following command:

"COPY file1.txt+file2.txt+file3.txt+file4.txt+file5.txt filecomb.txt"

After executing this command, filecomb.txt would then contain the combined contents of the original files. There are no keys to the original files, since these are only CSV files.

I know this is a simple question, but is there a stage in DataStage that will do this? Ive already looked at Merge and Sort. If there isnt a Stage to do this, how difficult would be to write one and add it to the routines?


W. David Daugherty
Pilgrims Pride Corporation
(903) 855-4397