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Hash Stage

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2000 4:48 am
by admin
Im staging some data in universe. Some of the columns are decimal(12,3). When I view the data in uv stage or thru import table definitions, they look as expected. Eg. 120.000, 97.000, etc. I than use this table in hash stage for lookups, not with these columns as key. But when data is viewed thru hash stage, the decimal goes missing and the value, in my case, is now 1000 times more, 120000, 97000, etc. Its not only a viewing problem as using these columns in computation, DS thinks the value is 1000 times the actual value, as viewed in hash stage. Ive tried different data elements to no avail.

For now, Ill have to divide by 1000. Could this be a bug?
