DataStage with Excel

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Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

DataStage with Excel

Post by admin »


I am a new subscriber to this list, and am hoping for some help using DataStage and Excel.
Is there a known way to initiate a job from within Excel?

To make it more complex, we are using the Unix version of DataStage. Our users want to be able to push a button on an Excel sheet that will run a DataStage job.

I believe that the excel spreadsheet must be set up as a data source on the Unix server, but that is as far as Ive gotten.

Any help would be appreciated.

Trish Adams
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

If you can initiate a command line from Excel (you can) then you can start a DataStage job. DataStages command line interface is called dsjob (its directory must be in PATH of course). Use any of the standard mechanisms, such as remote shell, for executing a program on another machine.

Your note implies, but does not state, that the DataStage job on UNIX must extract data from the Excel spreadsheet. This is actually the most difficult part. The easiest approach, since youre going to create an Excel macro anyway, is to save the spreadsheet in CSV format, which DataStage can process directly. Alternately, at some cost, you could obtain SQLink from Merant, so that your UNIX system can be an SQL client to the Windows environment.

> ----------
> From: Adams, Trish R (Compuware)[SMTP:AdamsTR@BP.COM]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 31 October 2000 05:57
> To:
> Subject: DataStage with Excel
> Hi,
> I am a new subscriber to this list, and am hoping for some help using
> DataStage and Excel.
> Is there a known way to initiate a job from within Excel?
> To make it more complex, we are using the Unix version of DataStage.
> Our users want to be able to push a button on an Excel sheet that will
> run a DataStage job.
> I believe that the excel spreadsheet must be set up as a data source
> on the Unix server, but that is as far as Ive gotten.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Trish Adams
> BP/Amoco
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »


Im also a new subscriber to this online forum and would like to know whether there are any sites out there that implement the following recommendation as defined by Ray Wurlod (Informix). What approach have been taken? What have the sites encountered? How easily implemented is it with
SQLLink from Merant? What are the complications? Thanks in advance.

Joan Valdez

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Wurlod []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 8:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: DataStage with Excel
> If you can initiate a command line from Excel (you can) then you can
> start a DataStage job.
> DataStages command line interface is called dsjob (its directory must be
> in
> PATH of course).
> Use any of the standard mechanisms, such as remote shell, for executing a
> program on another machine.
> Your note implies, but does not state, that the DataStage job on UNIX
> must extract data from the Excel spreadsheet. This is actually the
> most difficult part. The easiest approach, since youre going to
> create an Excel macro anyway, is
> to save the spreadsheet in CSV format, which DataStage can process
> directly.
> Alternately, at some cost, you could obtain SQLink from Merant, so that
> your
> UNIX system can be an SQL client to the Windows environment.