Novel Idea in the age or CRM and BI

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Novel Idea in the age or CRM and BI

Post by admin »

I have submitted a support call to Informix regarding OCI returning an incorrect number of rows from a referenece and output link. The count includes all records passed to the link rather than succesfully completed.

Anyway to there credit, Informix came back very quickly with an answer that it was a known problem and that a workaround was available using ODBC. Great except we want to using the native connection!

I have since sent a mail back to support asking when the original problem is going to be fixed.

This is when I started thinking, given these are the days of CRM and KPIs. When they say there is a workaround for a problem, Informix should also give an indication as to when the problem will be fixed, if indeed it will be fixed. For example, if it is a level 4 GTAR then it will be fixed within 6 weeks, if it is a level 1 GTAR then it will be fixed within 1 week etc.... This could then be a KPI and they could internally measure their success of delivering for their customer base!

Alternatively, given that these native connections are mostly developed using the DS api. Why not publish the source code, so that if problems are encountered then the user base, if they so desire can fix them. I am sure, some issues would be rather trivial, and it is just a lack of resource, given what Marketing and Sales have promised, on Informixs part that they do not get fixed more quickly.

Also, if ODBC is going to be the fall back for all native plug-ins then lets get all the issues fixed with ODBC, so that at least we can have something reliably working. I await, the details about the issue with ODBC at DS 4.0
