FTP Login Failure

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FTP Login Failure

Post by admin »

Were running DataStage 3.1.1r3 (yes I know, old and unsupported) on a Windows NT 4.0 server. We retrieve data all the time from an IBM mainframe via FTP with no problem.

Were now trying to retrieve data from a DEC Alpha. Its a simple .dat file were after. If I use the standard FTP commands from our NT Server at the MS-DOS prompt, everything works fine. I can login and retrieve the file I want with no problem.

However, if I use the DataStage FTP Plug-in stage, I get a "530 Login incorrect" message followed by, "Login to the FTP server failed, invalid password for user dismitc". The username "dismitc" is valid and so is the password, at least from every other method of using FTP.

Any idea why the DS FTP Plug-in (Release 2.0) fails while the standard DOS-prompt FTP on the NT Server works fine?

Thank you.

Brad Vincent
Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
c/o The Detroit Medical Center
(313) 966-2176
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Ive seen this when upgrading versions as the FTP plugin password is encrypted and it can get clobbered, but it doesnt sound like that is your problem if you are still running 3.1.1r3! Some questions:

How are you passing the password to the stage? Keyed into the stage or passed as a job parameter? Does 3.1 support job parameter password type encryption and if so are you using it? [ I dont recall if it did ]

Have you tried bumping up the trace level inside the ftp stage? It is a simple case of adding all of the options together to set the right trace bits - for example, to get options 1 and 4, set the trace level to 5. The log output can be most enlightening.

As you said, if you can FTP from a DOS prompt on the same server that DataStage is running on without a problem, it doesnt sound like a generic ftp or .rhosts problem on the DEC end, more likely something in the way your DS job is setup.


Brad" To: DataStage Mailing List
Subject: FTP Login Failure

06:50 AM
respond to

Were running DataStage 3.1.1r3 (yes I know, old and unsupported) on a Windows NT 4.0 server. We retrieve data all the time from an IBM mainframe via FTP with no problem.

Were now trying to retrieve data from a DEC Alpha. Its a simple .dat file were after. If I use the standard FTP commands from our NT Server at the MS-DOS prompt, everything works fine. I can login and retrieve the file I want with no problem.

However, if I use the DataStage FTP Plug-in stage, I get a "530 Login incorrect" message followed by, "Login to the FTP server failed, invalid password for user dismitc". The username "dismitc" is valid and so is the password, at least from every other method of using FTP.

Any idea why the DS FTP Plug-in (Release 2.0) fails while the standard DOS-prompt FTP on the NT Server works fine?

Thank you.

Brad Vincent
Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
c/o The Detroit Medical Center
(313) 966-2176