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Thank you - Sockets

Post by admin »

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

In the October 30 issue of PC Magazine there is an article about a company (NU Skin) that updated their web order-entry application. The article mentions that one of the back-end systems that calculated the commissions was run on a "PIC (sic?) Universe" system.

"...An old COBOL application was retired this summer. The PIC Universe system that handles commissions was the most stable of the bunch. "That thing is ten years old, but it runs like a dream, so there was no way we were getting rid of it," says Garner.",2997,s%2 ... 752,00.asp

Does anyone know if this system is the IBM/Informix U2 Universe?

Just curious.


Mick Gahan
Director, Management Information Services
Metropolitan Community College
Omaha, NE
(402) 457-2402