How to convert an integer date to a real date using OS/390 D

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How to convert an integer date to a real date using OS/390 D

Post by admin »

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

The main problem is with the concatenation operator. For the OS/390 version you have to use the double pipe || for concatenating strings. In the solution, Id recommend creating a stage variable where youve done the conversion from integer to character.

Stage Variable:
Name: CharDate, Char with a precision of 8
Derivation: CAST(DSLink3.IntDate AS CHAR(8))

Then the transformer derivation will be:
SUBSTRING(CharDate FROM 1 FOR 4 ) ||
- ||
SUBSTRING(CharDate FROM 5 FOR 2 ) ||
- ||


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Ko []
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 4:25 PM
Subject: How to convert an integer date to a real date using OS/390 DataSt age

> Hello,
> There is a field in a DB2 table that is defined as integer. The field
> is currently storing a valid date. For example, 20010909.
> I am trying to use DataStage to convert this to a real date format.
> How can it be done using the OS/390 DataStage component.
> My idea is to use substring and cast function to cut and merge the
> integer field into a date field. However, DataStage does not accept
> my syntax.
> My syntax is:
> substring(cast(int_field as char) from 2 for 4) cat "-" cat
> substring(cast(int_field as char) from 6 for 2) cat "-" cat
> substring(cast(int_field as char) from 8 for 2)
> Please advise on solution.
> Cheers,
> Paul.