Deleting a file in UniVerse

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Deleting a file in UniVerse

Post by admin »

I goofed on the creation of a hashed (or so I thought) file in UniVerse to use with some DataStage testing. This is on a UniVerse box that does not have DataStage, but we access it remotely via DataStage.

Anyway, I suspect I created the file incorrectly in the first place and now see that I cannot delete it. Its running on a Unix platform. Here is what I see with various commands:

Invalid Partblock for "DW_MASTER/DATA.30".
Invalid or missing Partblock for "DW_MASTER/DATA.30".
Unable to open "DW_MASTER" file.
Cannot delete a file that has a partitioning algorithm.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Brad Vincent
Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
c/o The Detroit Medical Center
(313) 966-2176
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Can you rm it from the Unix level? If so, dos os, then delete the VOC entry and start over.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.


John Zygmunt

-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent, Brad []
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 2:25 PM
To: DataStage Mailing List
Subject: Deleting a file in UniVerse

I goofed on the creation of a hashed (or so I thought) file in UniVerse to use with some DataStage testing. This is on a UniVerse box that does not have DataStage, but we access it remotely via DataStage.

Anyway, I suspect I created the file incorrectly in the first place and now see that I cannot delete it. Its running on a Unix platform. Here is what I see with various commands:

Invalid Partblock for "DW_MASTER/DATA.30".
Invalid or missing Partblock for "DW_MASTER/DATA.30".
Unable to open "DW_MASTER" file.
Cannot delete a file that has a partitioning algorithm.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Brad Vincent
Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
c/o The Detroit Medical Center
(313) 966-2176
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

If you dont REALLY want the file, you an manually remove it as follows:

1. Use CT VOC DW_MASTER to list the two OS files that comprise this
file. One will begin with D_ (probably D_DW_MASTER) and the other should
be DW_MASTER. These may or may not be fully qualified paths.

2. From the OS level, rm -rf the DW_MASTER directory and rm the D_DW_MASTER

3. Within the universe account, enter DELETE VOC DW_MASTER.

4. Delete the (possible) record in the &PARTFILES& directory, the key of
which will be the full path to where DW_MASTER resided. For example:
/user/account/DW_MASTER, you would delete as follows: DELETE &PARTFILES&

I believe that should do it.

At 02:24 PM 8/1/01, you wrote:
>I goofed on the creation of a hashed (or so I thought) file in UniVerse
>to use with some DataStage testing. This is on a UniVerse box that does
>not have DataStage, but we access it remotely via DataStage.
>Anyway, I suspect I created the file incorrectly in the first place and
>now see that I cannot delete it. Its running on a Unix platform. Here
>is what I
>see with various commands:
>Invalid Partblock for "DW_MASTER/DATA.30".
>Invalid or missing Partblock for "DW_MASTER/DATA.30".
>Unable to open "DW_MASTER" file.
>Cannot delete a file that has a partitioning algorithm.
>Any ideas? Thanks.
>Brad Vincent
>Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
>c/o The Detroit Medical Center
>(313) 966-2176
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Thanks, gang. Ill get with the DBA tomorrow morning and give it a shot. (I dont have the access rights to Unix.)

I goofed creating the file. All I wanted was a simple dynamic file, but the prompts from UniVerse on the Unix box are slightly different from our DataStage NT box. Live and learn.

Thanks, again.

Brad Vincent
Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
c/o The Detroit Medical Center
(313) 966-2176